Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beverly Hills Wine Festival

Sunday afternoon, Femi and I attended the Beverly Hills Wine Festival.  It was conveniently located across the street from his office so we knew where it was and had free parking!  While full-price tickets were normally around $200, Femi found them for a STEAL online!  We were there for about two hours tasting wine, cheese, and my favorite…chocolate!  I assumed that since tickets were so expensive, people would be dressed nice.  I was wrong!  I forget that this is LA and the dress code is often casual even though the average price for an outfit is still exorbitant.  It’s not WHAT you wear but WHO you wear.   I don’t really care how much you spend on an item, if you are still wearing jeans it’s not dressed up.  Anyways, my worst fears came true and I spent the afternoon with my coat on so I wouldn’t look so out of place.  Femi of course was fine since he’s a guy and a suit with no tie is always appropriate.  IT’S SO NOT FAIR!

Despite my ranting, we actually did have a good time.  The wine was good but nothing really blew my mind.  Maybe it's because I always drink the cheap stuff!  We each got a wine glass and a very nice gentleman engraved them with our names.  He also gave us info on his company, which is a great idea for corporate events with Femi’s firm.  I also got the down-low on how to get my hands on a beautiful beach-cruiser that was being auctioned off.  The event was to support Fran Drescher’s Cancer Schmancer Foundation.  Femi asked a member of the event staff if Fran was there, claiming to be her biggest fan, but sadly she was not. 

My Glass

To top off the event, Femi got his palm read by a “fortune teller.”  While he was waiting, a ten-year-old girl approached me and asked to read my palm for a discount.  That is exactly the type of ridiculousness I expect from a fortune teller.  Femi’s fortune was funny but so predictable:  he will live a long life of 70-90 years old (most people will live that long); he will have two kids, one boy and one girl and they will be healthy (who doesn’t want to hear that); he will be successful in work but he will procrastinate (dead on!); and the best, he and I will get married soon (wrong), we will have no separation and no divorce (DEAD WRONG!) and we will have kids within the next year (we hope she's wrong!).  It was so hard not to laugh or give away any visual expressions that would guide her in one direction or another.

It was certainly an entertaining event!

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